Korea Elevator Safety Institute (KESI) President Kim
Nam-deuk held a meeting with Ya. Sodbaatar, director of the State Specialized
Inspection Agency of Mongolia, last week in Seoul to further bolster
collaboration between the two countries in the realm of elevator technology. During
the meeting – which was part of the Korea-Mongolia Elevator Safety Technology
Exchange pact the two countries signed previously – delegates from Mongolia
proposed the idea of having Korea provide technology education and support in
the realm of elevator safety.
Kim replied that his organization will assist the country by sending a team of
experts to Mongolia to help the country develop advanced elevator safety
inspection technology and an overall standard. KESI signed an agreement with the Mongolian Agency in February 2009 to support
the country’s efforts to develop modern elevators and to participate in
technology exchange. Since then, the organization has sent over experts to help
amend existing regulations and provide continuous support. Mongolia’s
government is now in the process of modifying elevator safety laws and
regulations based on the model in Korea.