Japan, the world’s biggest
importer of rare earths, plans to send a study group to Mongolia this month as
the nation tries to diversify its supply sources. The Ministry of Economy,
Trade and Industry will send a group in mid-October to study rare-earth
deposits with the nation’s government, Hiromitsu Sugawara, deputy director at
the ministry’s Northeast Asia division, has said. The two countries have also
agreed to expedite talks for an Economic Partnership Agreement and to develop
coal and uranium projects.
The trade
ministry will form a delegation from Japan Oil, Gas & Metals National
Corp., which manages and explores Japan’s strategic resources, and the National
Institute of Advanced Industrial Science & Technology. Japan’s Trade
Minister Akihiro Ohata met Prime Minister S. Batbold in Tokyo yesterday, a day
after Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan and Batbold agreed to begin an effort
to locate rare-earth mines.