The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) has concluded
that several questions Oyutolgoi LLC is asking those who wish to join its vocational
training program are in violation of the labor law. An applicant has to mention if he/she is
member of a political party, and if yes, which party; and also to give details
of any close relative who works for a State organization, or a fully or partly
State-owned economic entity, or an international organization such as the UN,
The Asian Development Bank or The World Bank.
The NHRC feels this allows Oyutolgoi LLC access to data
that even the Central Intelligence Service does not have. About 3,000 of the
trainees are expected to be offered employment at the mine project, and their
families would include 15,000 people, and relatives a much larger number. Is
there any reason a company owned by a Canadian citizen should posses such
personal data about its Mongolian employees?
The issue came to light when some Oyutolgoi LLC
employees drew the attention of the Parliamentary Human Rights Sub Council to
the question about a month ago. The MPs referred the matter to the NHRC which has now concluded that the company’s questions violate the human rights
of citizens guaranteed in several provisions and has recommended steps against
the company.