As scheduled and reported earlier, the Government held its
meeting on Friday at Gashuun Hooloi in Bayandalai soum in Umnugobi Aimag. The
place, badly hit by spreading desertification, was chosen as the venue as the
Government wants to raise public awareness of the problems posed by climate
L.Gansukh, Minister of Nature and Tourism, said the
climate was changing mainly because of human activities. Its effect in Mongolia
has been seen in droughts, heavy snowfall and scarcity of drinking water. Human
health has suffered. The meeting then discussed a new program to battle climate
change and decided to appeal for international assistance and attention.
Prime Minister S.Batbold said he was sure the
message of the meeting will spread among the people and the nation will come
together to act against factors that contribute to climate change. The coalition
Government will do whatever it can but people and organizations also have to
change their habits and ways to adopt environment friendly methods of living and