Prime Minister and Head of the Organizing Committee of the National Naadam
Festival, M.Enkhbold, has expressed his satisfaction with the new road to Khui
Doloon Khudag. The 3.6-km road has been built by Yalguusan, Power Logistics,
Tugs Zam and Tsuurdel companies at a cost of MNT1.1 billion, with more than 100
people working for 21 days.
who attended the opening ceremony of the road, went to Khui Doloo Khudag to see
the state of preparations for the horse racing and found they were 100 percent complete.
Fences have been repaired and painted. Two public toilets have been built and
24 bio-toilets installed. Representatives of the Arts Council of Mongolia,
which has a tradition of organizing a culture festival for tourists in Khui
Doloo, told Enkhbold the toilets would meet a long-felt need.
total of 150 organizations have been given permission to sell food, mainly
khuusur. Another 80 licenses have been issued to other retail traders.