Elbegdorj’s China visit ushers in a new era - News.MN

Elbegdorj’s China visit ushers in a new era

Old News! Published on: 2010.05.05

Elbegdorj’s China visit ushers in a new era

Г. Нэргүй

President Ts. Elbegdorj returned home on
Tuesday morning after a six-day official visit to China at the invitation of Chairman
Hu Jintao. Foreign Minister G. Zandanshatar told reporters the visit “defined a
new era in bilateral relationship”, giving a significant impetus to forge
deeper mutual understanding and stronger partnership between the two
neighboring countries. This was the refrain at all the meetings the Mongolian
side held with the Chinese leadership.

Those whom President Elbegdorj met included
Party Chairman Hu Jintao, Prime Minister Wen Jiabao, and National Committee
Chairman Jiao Tsinlin. All these talks were marked by the leaders of the two
countries emphasizing how the bilateral relationship has been developing
successfully. There was agreement that top leaders must continue to meet
regularly to keep the momentum on.

Trade and economic cooperation covered a
significant part of the talks. The leaders agreed to increase cooperation in
infrastructure, mining and trade. China
would favorably consider Mongolia’s
request for help in processing agricultural and mining products, getting wider
access to Chinese and third country markets, transit transportation and
increasing the number of Chinese seaports that Mongolia can utilize.  When China announced it would give a 40
million yuan grant as a gesture of goodwill, the Mongolian side was quick to
respond by saying it would use the money on major projects to benefit the

In addition to economic issues, the talks
covered education, culture and humanitarian issues. The leaders exchanged views
on how best to preserve and protect national heritage, and the ways to stop
smuggling of culturally important items. An agreement was signed on nationally
treasured cultural objects. 

A high point
of the visit came when the Mongolian team participated in the opening ceremony of
World Expo-2010 in Shanghai.
President Elbegdorj also visited Jilin,
a province with a strategic role in cooperation among Northeast Asian. Agreements
were signed establishing direct connections between Darkhan-Uul and Jilin.

The President also paid a visit to Huhhot and
Erlian in the Inner Mongolian Autonomous Region. Both cities act as important
bridges between Mongolia and
and the discussions centered on improving border administration and
environmental protection. The President also attended the inauguration ceremony
of the first ever Mongolian Culture Days in Huhhot.

There was a meeting of entrepreneurs from the
two countries in both
and Huhhot. The first was attended by representatives of over 40 Mongolian and
200 Chinese companies. Inaugurating the meeting, President Elbegdorj urged
entrepreneurs to fully utilize the positive business environment that the
leaders of the two countries are striving to develop and detailed how the
Mongolian Government was initiating business reforms.

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