Speaker D.Demberel, MPs B.Batbayar and S.Oyun, and Secretary General of Parliament’s Office Ts.Sharavdorj are taking part in the 125th assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU), which is being held in Bern from October 16 to 19.
The Mongolians met with a Japanese delegation headed by the Speaker of Japanese House of Representatives, Takahiro Yokomichi.
Takahiro Yokomichi thanked the Mongolian people for their assistance during this year’s earthquake and tsunami disasters. He also noted the good development of both nations’ parliaments, and underlined the complete partnership of the two countries.
Demberel thanked the Japanese people for their assistance during Mongolia’s transition to democracy and a market economy. He noted Mongolia’s active mining sector and urged Japanese investment in Mongolia, especially in the energy, infrastructure, and mining sectors.
Takahiro Yokomichi said Japan is exploring the feasibility of investing in the Tavantolgoi mine, as well as other avenues of mutually beneficial economic cooperation.
Demberel said the Tavantolgoi and Oyutolgoi mines need investment for infrastructure and emphasized the two governments’ cooperation and partnership.