The Standing Committee on State Structure postponed
discussion of a draft election law on Wednesday because of a working group
meeting on the subject also taking place that day.
However, the committee did discuss a draft law on local
settlements’ election and a draft law on the president’s election, the latter
of which was included in the law on budget stability passed by Parliament on
June 24, 2010.
The draft law on local settlements’ election would regulate
the balloting and tabulation of results, as well as address the financing of
the election from state and local sources.
The head of the Election General Committee (EGC),
N.Luvsanjav, said the 2011 state budget allocated MNT 24 billion to purchase
electronic voting technology for the 2012 election. The EGC has worked with the
General Authority for State Registration; Central Intelligence Service;
Information, Communications Technology and Post Authority, and Communication
Offices to choose voting devices.
He said that after bids were received, South Korea’s LS Cable & System and
Miru Data System were chosen to supply voting equipment, and the U.S. firm ES
& S LLC to supply vote tabulation equipment.