Q: The MPP and DP have not agreed yet a draft law on election. The MPP has suggested election option of 28:48 to the DP and there is not concrete decision. What is your position?
A: My position is clear because I have noted five issues including process of the law on election when I was appointed as Prime Minister in November of 2007. The law on election should be amended and processed and we have short period of a time to next election. That is why the two parties should agree and reach understanding but it is not only issue of managing officials of the two parties but also issue of citizens and voters.
I supported people’s query last spring because we should hear citizens’ opinion. If we would not hear citizens, we should discuss with other political parties. Unfortunately, there is not time to discuss because of nine months are till next election. But there is a way to decision that MPs could solve the issue not depending on political parties.
Q: What is your opinion of election structure?
A: I think I should follow the MPP’s policy that Managing Council of the MPP has decided to support election structure improvement. The MPP has suggested election option 52:24 and 48:28. Number has not had main meanings and it could be changed. Main significance is to improve election structure. I wish fairness of general summary of election but not concrete voting. It is named structure change and I think we should change it.
Q: How about time? Do you think the draft law on election could be passed?
A: If Parliament could not discuss the draft law on election, there would be much work of election preparation including electoral districts’ administration. The draft law has some right provisions such as voting process responsibility. The draft could be discussed and passed after three hard working days, in my opinion.
Q: What is your opinion on amendment of Constitution and 99 MPs of Parliament?
A: I think the Constitution should be amended. But it is related to the MPs number increase. Responsibility structure should be decided along amendment of the Constitution. For example, authority and responsibility of the President and Prime Minister has not been definitely instructed and authority dispute of the President and Government has been existed since present Constitution passed.
Also rights of soums and aimag centers have not been decided during last two decades. Decisions of local areas have been made in centers, therefore, these decisions could not meet criterion of Mongolian development. But the Constitution is the most essential code of human rights of Mongolian democratic development. We could change provisions of the government’s activity and its responsibility structure.
Increase of MPs’ number should be related to responsibility structure. But I do not say increase or decrease of MPs’ number could be right. The issue should be considered by complete view.
Q: What is your prediction of election voting of the MPP?
I can’t say it and I just want Mongolia could use opportunity of economic growth. If Parliament and Government would implement goals including Tavantolgoi deposit mine project, new railway and energy issues, economics would grow and people’s living would improve. In this case people would support the two parties, in my opinion. If Parliament and Government could not implement their goals, situation would be difficult because people would say the two parties could not implement their works.
Work of Parliament and Government could determine pre election situation. But my desire is people’s living improvement because I have taken part to establish coalition government.
Q: Would be Coalition Government established after 2012 election?
A: I think political parties would collaborate after 2012 election and there would be necessity to establish coalition government because we could not solve all issues until election. There are many issues to decide. Politicians should discuss, understand and solve the issues and should implement decisions. Specially, we should use economic growth opportunity.