One of the world's undiscovered ranges - News.MN

One of the world’s undiscovered ranges

One of the world’s undiscovered ranges

One of the great undiscovered but dramatically beautiful mountain ranges of the world is the Altai Mountains. These are picture-perfect mountains in Central Asia, split between the nations of Mongolia, Russia, Kazakhstan, and China. Of these countries, Mongolia and Kazakhstan are visa-free and relatively traveler-friendly. Mongolia is more than just the vast Eurasian steppe; it has some of the world’s most dramatic but least visited mountains.

Even seasoned travelers are enamored and over-awed by the outstanding natural beauty of the Mongolian Altai Mountains. It is inexplicable how the mountains remain such an undiscovered gem on Earth. After visiting Mongolia, take the time to explore Kazakhstan – arguably one of the most underrated countries in the world.

The Altai Mountains are a region of unspoken natural beauty. It is sparsely inhabited with little infrastructure.

Large parts of the Altai Mountains are UNESCO World Heritage-listed (called the Golden Mountains of Altai). The Altai Mountains cover a total area of around 326,000 sq miles and stretch for 1,569 miles. This is a region of central Siberia that has steppe, forests, glaciers, dramatic peaks, alpine vegetation, and more.

One of the more remarkable animals to live in the Altai is the snow leopard.

  • Highest Peak: Belukha at 4,506 meters or 14,783 feet
  • Mongolian Altai National Park: Altai Tavan Bogd National Park

The Altai Mountains are a region that can match the remoteness, the dramatic peaks, and the beauty of Argentina’s more famous Patagonia region.

The Altai Mountains are one of the great highlights of tours of western Mongolia. They are very remote from the main capital city of Ulambaator and require a large amount of serious off-roading to explore. These tours require a good deal of off-roading, including fording rivers and crossing rickety old bridges.

Visits to the Altai Mountains are typically offered as part of larger guided tour packages of Mongolia. One of the best tour companies offering extended guided tours across Mongolia includes Top Tours Mongolia. They offer a selection of off-road backpacking tour options that include 15 and 21 days of exploring Central, Western, and Northern Mongolia. Alternatively, they can create custom-made and private tours for visitors.

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