Today (8 February), Mongolian Search & Rescue Team headed by the Deputy chief of National Emergency Management Agency, Brigadier-General B.Uuganbayar, his rescue team of 35 search and rescue specialists and two search dogs called Marta and Balu headed to Turkey at 04:34 a.m.
On 6 February, 7.8 magnitudes earthquake occurred in southern Turkey and norther Syria, and thousand of casualties have occurred.
In response to a global call for assistance from the Turkish government, the first batch of members of Mongolian Disaster Relief Team immediately set off for Turkey. The plane is also carrying 1.500 woolen blankets, ten tonnes of meat, two tonnes of candles and other aids for Turkey and Syria.
S. Amarsaikhan, Mongolian Deputy Prime Minister, and Head of the State Emergency Commission met with the team and reminded the team that the Turkish government sent help to our Mongolian herders during the harsh winters in 2010 and 2016, and said, “Wishing you nothing but the best on your mission. Please come home safely.”
The Ambassador extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Turkey, Zafer Ateş extends his warmest appreciation to the Government of Mongolia for its valuable support and solidarity.

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