MP: Government shouldn’t stop working at Naadam - News.MN

MP: Government shouldn’t stop working at Naadam

Old News! Published on: 2011.08.29

MP: Government shouldn’t stop working at Naadam

Our correspondent recently spoke with Member of Parliament L. Gantumur. But the talk was about more than politics.

– Many government officials postponed work during Naadam. What do you think about that?

– Mongolians attach a lot to Naadam. Because it’s the biggest event of the year, I guess. So it’s not easy to say, “You can’t enjoy yourself.” Television and newspapers are all about politics and gossip. It’s hard to find a place to relax and rest. But the thing is, it is ridiculous that even government officials forget about work during Naadam. The Government has to keep working. People need administrative services, even during these days. The problem is that there are no administrative services, or if a citizen needs a service, the person in charge is on holiday. There must be someone responsible for that. For example, the process of issuing licenses for building and road construction totally stopped during these days, and that is not good for the economy.

– What we have missed because of Naadam?

– I had hoped that railroad construction work would have started already. Same for the Seventh block and Yarmag block of apartments. And we could also have addressed Tavantolgoi contract issues and infrastructure, as well as the Sainshand industrial complex. But there is still no progress on those issues. Those are not the kind of issues that are supposed to be postponed. So I don’t think it’s a good idea for the Government to take a two week holiday.

– But aren’t some of the delays because of politics and not the Nadaam holiday? The president has criticized the Tavantolgoi contract issues. But the Government has not called on the National Security Council to solve the issues.

– I guess the Government is considering Tavantolgoi issues already passed by Parliament. But Members of Parliament should not have the right to postpone crucial issues. What is the reason for not issuing Tavantolgoi shares to each citizen? Or for not having Tavantolgoi assets on the stock exchange? Railroad projects have already been approved by MPs, but the work hasn’t started so far. Some members have proposed an amendment to the Constitution. We think that a Government minister should not be responsible for being an MP at the same time.

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