Many journalists said the Union’s activities should not be limited to registering journalists as members and awarding prizes. They said journalists are on the front lines of the battle to develop society, but the Union is not. The Union was criticized for not considering the rights of journalists. For example, it was pointed out that thousands of young people working for media organizations work long hours and are underpaid, which shows that labor laws are not being followed. Organizers of the forum said the Union is responsible for the reputation of the media. Ts. Ouyndari, the head of MNB, L. Munkhbaysgalan, editor of “Uls turiin toim” newspaper, and L. Turmunkh, a TV-9 producer, all delivered speeches at the forum. At the end of the forum, journalists selected a board under the name “New Time – New Way of Thinking” in order to update the Union. The board plans to take action on the issues raised at the forum.