Lawyer and head of the NGO Civil Fair Court, Kh.Bat-Yalalt, was not
allowed by detention center authorities yesterday to meet the head of the Ongi
River Movement, Ts. Munkhbayar, who is in the center on charges of firing at
mining equipment. No advocate has come forward to defend Munkhbayar and Bat-Yalalt
has said he would offer his services to the environmental activist.
Members of civil movements say family members of Munkhbayar have not been
allowed to meet him, in a gross violation of his human rights. They suspect Munkhbayar has been tortured and that is why
he is being kept away from visitors. The other detained members of civil
movements have sent letters to the Government, the President, the Speaker, and
the Prosecutor General but are yet to receive a reply from any of them.