Both the MPRP and DP groups in Parliament yesterday discussed the proposed state property privatization directions to remain in force until 2012. Both groups wanted the Erdenet factory kept out of the list of entities to be privatized, since it is expected to generate a major part of the Human Development Fund. The MPRP group was also against privatization of Mongolrostsvetment and Oyutolgoi, but agreed to have a debate in Parliament on both.
According to the head of the DP group, Ch.Saikhanbileg, the MPs also did not favor the idea of putting strategic deposits and infrastructure under the authority of one company to raise funds on the international stock market.
The MPRP group leader, D.Lundeejantsan, said the MPs there stressed that privatization must contribute to the interests of economic security and benefit the people. They would prefer a joint-stock company to exploit strategic deposits for now so that resources for the Human Development Fund are certain. The company may be privatized in future. There was general support for privatization of MIAT but the MPs wanted a calm review before a decision is taken.
The MPRP group also discussed amendments to the terms of the contract made between