Habitat for Humanity Mongolia has launched The Blue Sky Community and Environment Investment Fund as part of the Blue Sky Build Campaign to raise money to build key community facilities at a Bayanzurkh site between June 28 and July 2. The international organization believes that “building homes is more than providing roofs, walls and doors” and that “establishing good homes is the foundation of a strong and cohesive community” and intends the Fund to ensure this, by giving donors a chance to play “a vital part in building stronger, safer and cleaner cities, towns and rural areas across Mongolia”.
As towns and cities expand and grow in
The planned week-long program will give the Bayanzurkh community and local volunteers the opportunity to interact with members from the international community who build with them. This is likely to include Ambassadors, volunteers from around the globe and influential people from a cross section of society.
Homes built under the program will have the security needed to allow children to play freely outside, minimizing the potential for crime in the area. The fund will also provide a children’s play area to further support the establishment of a cohesive community, and an excellent addition to the community to enhance children’s health and well being.