The State Secretary
State of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, D.Tsogtbaatar, has been
working as Deputy Chairman of the First Commission of 67th Session of UN
Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, which is being held in
two phases in Bangkok between May 19 and 25. Addressing a meeting in the first
phase, focused on issues of macro economics, trade, investment, transportation,
environment and development, Tsogtbaatar spoke about the special needs of
underdeveloped and landlocked countries. He urged stronger intergovernmental
cooperation to solve persistent difficulties in transportation and
State of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, D.Tsogtbaatar, has been
working as Deputy Chairman of the First Commission of 67th Session of UN
Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, which is being held in
two phases in Bangkok between May 19 and 25. Addressing a meeting in the first
phase, focused on issues of macro economics, trade, investment, transportation,
environment and development, Tsogtbaatar spoke about the special needs of
underdeveloped and landlocked countries. He urged stronger intergovernmental
cooperation to solve persistent difficulties in transportation and