Headless MPRP unable to take any decision - News.MN

Headless MPRP unable to take any decision

Old News! Published on: 2010.02.28

Headless MPRP unable to take any decision


With its chairman S.Bayar unable to lead it with the required energy and vigor, having to spend time abroad for medical treatment, the MPRP is today a headless body. He took over as party head in late October 2007. He was Secretary General then but M.Enkhbold had to make way for him on the ground that only the party leader could be Prime Minister.

He kept his promise to lead the party to victory in the 2008 elections but this came at the cost of five innocent lives, more than 700 political prisoners and the destruction of the MPRP building and other private property, amid widespread perception that the  election had not been fair. Tanks and soldiers were stationed on streets, TV channels were shut down and the city center looked like a battlefield. All this tainted Bayar’s reputation and he followed up with charting a novel course in Mongolian politics. The decision to have a coalition government with the minority party was his idea and many others followed.

He conveniently forgot his earlier stand that the Prime Minister must be the party leader when the time came for him to resign from Premiership because of ill health. Even though he stayed on as the party head he has not been able to do justice to his responsibilities. The MPRP is left leaderless when he is away for medical care. Scheduled meetings have had to be postponed. Now the MPRP’s administrative board has taken charge. Just like in the socialist era.

Secretary General U.Khurelsukh is now the boss but has kept a low profile except when he beat up an MP. He spends most of his time supervising the construction of the new MPRP building. Members are critical of the situation. The strifes within the party are coming to the fore.

The Tradition-Innovation and Democracy-Justice wings, kept quiet by Bayar, are getting revived. Their leaders say that the anti-reform group which came to power after the XXV general meeting bears the blame for the situation in today’s MPRP. They feel nothing will change until the party accepts a broader leadership. The party is so lost that it cannot even announce the dates for a general meeting and the next Great Meeting.

Nothing can be done in the absence of S.Bayar.

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