Energy Resources CEO G.Battsengel has said his company plans to contribute to the country’s development by engaging domestic companies as much as possible as subcontractors in all its work. More than 300 domestic contractors and suppliers are working on projects run by Energy Resources. He has told the Mongolian Mining Journal, “This is how the economy is kept on the move, with every project generating some income for a large number of people. All this will support other sectors and raise consumer demand, and consequently the economy will grow.”
He recalled that the private sector in
Energy Resources has provided more than 800 jobs to local people and “almost everyone in the Tsogttsetsii soum is now gainfully employed”. Along with better living conditions has come “a brighter faith in the future“, he added, noting with satisfaction that “many of our employees have also been able to upgrade their skills, and have moved up from being service and support personnel to more qualified jobs with higher salaries”.