The Chief of the President’s Office, D.Battulga, opened the discussion and detailed the work done so far by the National Committee, which has responsibility to reduce the smoke in Ulaanbaatar by 50% before the end of 2012. Ger districts produce 60% of the smoke, vehicles 20% and low pressure heating furnaces 20%.
Governor of Chingeltei district D.Ganbold said pollution on the ground is as much a problem as air pollution, though it receives far less attention. Most speakers said work on reducing air pollution should continue in summer also, and not only in winter when it is more acute.
President Ts.Elbegdorj gave the concluding address and noted that 470,000 citizens have migrated to Ulaanbaatar in the last five years. This overcrowding puts an unbearable strain on the air, water and soil of the city, which now faces ecological disaster. The Government and citizens should work hand in hand to save the situation. Saying that the work of the National Council has begun to show results, he asked officials of the Ulaanbaatar Administration and the Ministry of Nature, Environment and Tourism to prepare a work plan for the summer and implement it by September.