The cold took the People’s Assembly to UB Palace on Saturday but it was back in Sukhbaatar Square on Monday. Former President and Chief of the “MPRP”, N.Enkhbayar, addressed the Assembly on Saturday before it passed Protocol III. Motherland – Independence – Justice, the movement behind the Assembly, later complained that the Mongolian National Public Radio and Television had not broadcast news of the protocol, and MP Ts.Shinebayar said they would complain to a court about this.
Our journalist asked Shinebayar about their future plans.
When will the People’s Assembly disperse from Sukhbaatar Square?
That depends on the Government’s response to Protocol III and the demands made in it.
What will be your complaint to a court about the broadcasting channel?
We have asked its managing officials to serve the people by more widely covering our movement, and to broadcast reports on our activity in national interest. We told them they should not serve the interests of those in power, who are all guilty of betraying the state and the people. The channel has a duty to the public to report on the People’s Assembly. If they are not made to change their ways, we shall take our next steps.
Our journalist asked Shinebayar about their future plans.
When will the People’s Assembly disperse from Sukhbaatar Square?
That depends on the Government’s response to Protocol III and the demands made in it.
What will be your complaint to a court about the broadcasting channel?
We have asked its managing officials to serve the people by more widely covering our movement, and to broadcast reports on our activity in national interest. We told them they should not serve the interests of those in power, who are all guilty of betraying the state and the people. The channel has a duty to the public to report on the People’s Assembly. If they are not made to change their ways, we shall take our next steps.