The report has the following seven main recommendations to be considered by Parliament, the Government, and related organizations.
* More State support for human rights and freedom
The NCHR details its suggestions and recommendations between 2002 and 2010 that have not been implemented, and now suggests that the state budget earmark funds for such implementation.
* Clarity on compensation payment
The NCHR wants a clear interpretation of the law by the State Supreme Court so that lower courts will not decide compensation claims arbitrarily.
* Implementation of UN recommendations
The NCHR wants recommendations of the UN Committee Against Torture to be given legal status, and to replace a provision of the Criminal Law that justifies alleged torture in certain circumstances. It also calls for implementation of similar recommendations in its own first report.
* Bridges over railway passes
Referring to inconvenience and insecurity caused by railway tracks intersecting roads, the commission recommends flyovers be built over the railway.
* Election dispute to be decided by court
The Commission suggests that all election disputes be resolved by courts.
* Protection for child jockeys
The NCHR wants protection for child jockeys, such as wear specialing gear, and insurance for them. It also wants laws to make it a criminal offence if neglect of such measures leads to a child being injured and worse.