The Standing Committee on State Structure yesterday criticized the pace of implementation of the Government program between 2008 and 2012. Members did not accept the claim of the Chief of the Cabinet Secretariat, Ch.Khurelbaatar, that 83% of it has been implemented, and were particularly unhappy that several goals, such as increasing pension and state officials’ salaries three-fold, and ensuring a minimum household income of MNT1 million, have not been met. They also complained that the program of new apartments has not yet begun even though it was passed in June, 2010. Nor has there been any work on building the 1,100-km railway. The Government program was to generate 60,000 jobs but so far only 15,875 citizens have got jobs. They criticized the Government for “cheating the people”.
Khurelbaatar said some of the programs are delayed because Parliament has not released the funds and stressed several successes such as the Development Bank guarantee, Human Development Fund allocation, decision to grant 536 shares of Erdenes Tavantolgoi LLC, cooperation between MSE and LSE, coal processing factories and business favorable laws.