President Ts.Elbegdorj on Monday discussed distribution of Tavantolgoi shares with Deputy Prime Minister N.Altankhuyag, Minister for Finance S.Bayartsogt, Chairman of the Cabinet Secretariat Ch.Khurelbaatar, Chief of the State Property Committee D.Sugar and Director of Erdenes MGL LLC and of Erdenes Tavantolgoi LLC, B.Enebish. MPs B.Batbayar, N.Batbayar, Z.Enkhbold and D.Zorigt, former Prime Minister D.Sodnom, Honored Miner B.Khurts, Head of the Center for Citizens’ Alliance J.Zanaa also attended the meeting and stated their opinion.
Elbegdorj asked why Erdenes MGL had halted its exploitation activity and Enebish explained that Erdenes Tavantolgoi was waiting for a protocol of Parliament and the National Security Council.
The President asked how the coal from the Tavantolgoi deposit would be transported and felt Parliament should review the discuss Tavantolgoi coal and shares issues. The suspension of grant of new exploration and exploitation licenses ends on April 30 and the next step should be discussed before that, he told the meeting.