When did psychologists begin to work in jails?
These posts were created last year as an experimental measure, and 18 prisons now have a psychologist, while six still do not. Our goal is to have two psychologists in all jails with more than 250 inmates.
What arrangements do you make for their work which certainly has special aspects?
It is true that work with prisoners has special needs and requires new facilities. But a properly equipped room costs between MNT2 million and MNT3 million to build and other facilities even more. The psychologists should also be provided with books and research results.
When will the Gantskhudag detention center move to a new building?
The construction is ready and camera and electricity work is now on. I think the move will be in May. The new building will hold 1,200 prisoners, while Gantskhudag’s capacity is 700.
What happened at the meeting of the psychologists?
They discussed their work and the special kinds of counseling they have to provide. Specialists were invited to give suggestions.