Ganbaatar later answered our reporter’s questions on the meeting and the draft.
What can be done to improve the draft?
We need a provision for public monitoring of how budget money is spent, and the draft should set out the definite was in which this can be done. I suggested giving the responsibility to representatives of some corporate houses or the employers’ union or trade union organizations or reputable NGOs. It should also be clear exactly what they will monitor. If necessary, professional audit organizations should be asked to help make this monitoring effective, as a public service or on payment.
Do you think this will be done?
Corruption is spreading in all state services as the tax payer’s money is spent without any monitoring. That is the only way transparency can be ensured. When we said trade unions could monitor budget spending, Minister for Finance S.Bayartsogt said trade unions are not qualified to act as auditors. Allowing budget organizations to keep their accounts data secret is the surest way to permit misuse of funds.