How does the Public Council react to the jail terms handed out to the ACA head and his deputy?
It has revealed the rot in the ACA. The whole thing underscores the need to change the laws relating to corruption. We need a long-term policy aimed at eliminating the roots of corruption by changing the total environment of our public life.
How will the ACA function now?
We are an auditing organization and have no role in how the ACA will work. We have written to the President and the Speaker to say both ACA officials should be dismissed and their successors appointed without delay so that the Authority can continue its work.
Did you know that the ACA Chiefs were spying on their colleagues?
Citizens often write to us but we did not have any information on this particular charge.
Ch.Sangaragchaa once said police should not arrest an ACA employee without his permission. But now he himself is in jail…
Everybody is equal before the law. There is no legal immunity for any ACA worker, including the chief. Laws in a democratic society are meant to protect citizens’ rights and not to strengthen authority.
Do you agree with the lawyers who say the trial and detention of the Chief of the ACA is illegal?
I think prosecutors and judges know the law better. I do not know of any law that protects the ACA chief or MPs against investigation or detention. Society must run on the principle of equal justice for all and courts and prosecutors should help establish this justice.
How has the ACA performed in general?
On many occasions the ACA failed to earn good grades, but not all that it has done has been useless.