The Green Party Secretary, N.Narantsetseg, and the Chief of its Ulaanbaatar Council, Kh.Altantsatsral, yesterday complained under the Civil Law to the Sukhbaatar district court that MP and Leader of the Green Party, D.Enkhbat, had slandered Green Party members. They object to Enkhbat’s reported description of them as “dead souls” and claim MNT75 million in damages. They have said they would donate the money to environment protection.
The two have said they will ask party members to gather outside the party office to take back the party’s seal and certificate from Enkhbat. They also plan to form NGOs such as Green Women’s Union, Green Youth Federation and Green Police Association in the coming months.
In another development Enkhbat has denied allegations by D.Basandorj and M.Chinzorig that he tried to withdraw money from the party’s bank account for his own use. Chinzorig later apologized for his claim, but advocate Ts.Mongol has said he was forced to do so by Enkhbat, and not because he wanted to.