With so many TV channels covering Parliament why do we need an exclusive TV channel and studio to be run by Parliament?
We intend this as a channel of record which would preserve entire speeches, and which could provide other channels with any information on what an MP said when. Our channel will also record meetings MPs attend, with local and foreign visitors and organizations.
A cyber archive was set up last year with USD200 million in grant from the Government of South Korea, and all videos of Parliament and protocols are kept there. All events to do with Parliament, including MPs’ foreign and domestic visits, meetings and work in local areas would be kept in this cyber archive because what Parliament does is part of history. Files in MPs names would be opened and would contain their speeches and interviews.
Will private TV coverage be stopped?
I do not think so but it depends on whether MPs would wish the law to be amended.
When will the channel begin?
Equipment is being bought and the channel is likely to open during the Spring session that will begin on April 5.
How much is Parliament spending on this?
Parliament has not spent any money as the general budget allocated MNT10 million for every MP to advertise legislation and MPs have given this to setting up the channel which will serve the same purpose.
That means MNT760 million?
Not exactly, as some MPs had already spent their allocation.
How would you choose staff?
Parliament Media Office has 12 employees and a Chief and maybe some others will be taken on contract.
Will state secrets not be breached if foreign media get access to all our Parliamentary proceedings?
Parliament has no secrets, but if there is any special need, I am sure that will be met. All Mongolians, in whatever position, will be united on this.
What is your opinion of Parliament-journalist relations?
I think it is quite close. In some countries I saw journalists sitting behind glass but in Mongolia they are in the hall, just like MPs.
How do journalists influence Parliament?
Our media spread is wide, considering our large territory and small population. I have often seen that people in the countryside know well about issues discussed in Parliament, thanks to TV. Sometimes they have more information than even MPs. The media surely have negative aspects but we should recognize their positive worth also.
How much would a citizen’s Tavantolgoi shares be worth?
Some say it could be almost MNT300 million. There is some talk that Mongolia’s total natural resources are worth MNT300 million per citizen. Maybe people refer to this.
But if a share in Erdenes Tavantolgoi is USD1, the amount cannot be MNT300 million?
The estimate of how much the Tavantolgoi deposit reserves are worth is yet to be made.
When will the Government stop the cash allocation to people?
The laws on political parties and on election would regulate the allocation and the cash amount that can be promised during an election. People will also realize that mining revenue is better spent on providing opportunities of work and education rather than on cash allocation.