Silk Road Management, a Mongolia and Central Asia-focused investment management firm, recently launched the Silk Road Composite Index (SRCI) and the Silk Road Central Asia (SRCA) Index, debut benchmarks that include local and international listed companies with assets and operations in Mongolia and Central Asia. The Composite Index is represented by 60 companies with over USD100 billion in market capitalization, making the region one of the largest frontier markets globally. It includes members of both the Silk Road Central Asia Index and the Silk Road Mongolia Index (the recently acquired MonBiz Mongolia Index), and is effectively the largest equity index focused on Eurasian frontier markets.
The Silk Road Mongolia Index (SRMI) tracks the share price performance of 30 local and international listed companies with assets and operations in Mongolia with a total market capitalization of USD34 billion. Mongolia-focused companies represent 33% of SRCI”s market capitalization. SRMI gained 31% in 2010.