exploitation of large mines; increasing farm and agriculture production; improving food security; ensuring social guarantees; and raising people’s living standards.
Parliament passed laws, protocols and documents supporting production; implementing infrastructure projects and programs, including railway, auto roads and power stations; and on social issues of health, education and apartment ownership. Laws were passed to increase private sector participation in the economy; and stabilizing the banking sector.
Demberel mentioned the following among the major decisions on the economy. The Supporting Fund for Small and Medium Enterprises and the Employment Fund will grant loans worth MNT28 billion and MNT21 billion respectively to help generate jobs. MNT24 billion has been allocated to the Soum Development Fund. A Japanese Government loan of MNT70 billion will also be used to create jobs. Altogether, this MNT143 billion is expected to create 100,000 jobs.
MNT700 billion will be spent this year on public works, more than ever before. The base is being established for a strong and stable economy. The private sector will receive definite Government support for its expansion. The Government and the Mongol Bank are cooperating to coordinate monetary and fiscal policy.
The Gender Equality law has been passed after 16 years of effort. Reminding members that this Parliament still had 17 months left, Demberel hoped this period will also see important decisions being taken.