The ambassador and two aides drove more than four hours from Manhattan through snow and sleet to visit Dovdonpurev, 23, at the Ronald McDonald House in Albany. The charitable organization has provided free lodging and food to Dovdonpurev, her mother and brother since she was released from Albany Medical Center Hospital in late November.
The plight of Dovdonpurev, who is known as Urna, struck a chord with the local community. More than $10,000 has been donated to her family, who lacks health insurance and has limited means. A speech and massage therapist donated their time to help Urna with rehabilitation after a traumatic brain injury.
Dovdonpurev has made a dramatic recovery after sustaining life-threatening injuries six months ago. She is walking, talking, smiling and laughing. Yet she longs to return to her home in Ulaanbaatar, which could happen as early as mid-February if she has no setbacks.”I”m good and getting better,” she said through an interpreter. “I just want to go home.”
Dovdonpurev has a long road of rehab ahead and some cognitive functions may never fully recover. She has no memory of the accident and, despite her mother”s explanations, still believes she was injured in Turkey and brought to the United States for medical treatment.
Mongolia”s U.N. ambassador also delivered a check from a government fund set up to assist special needs of the 200,000 Mongolians living outside the country. Ms. Enkhtsetseg said Urna received the maximum award, a few thousand dollars. “We”re a poor country. It”s the best we could do,” she said.
“It”s so nice to have so many people helping me,” Urna said through an interpreter.