Ts.Nyamdorj has raised issues to fight drugs and crimes, to broader cooperation in new directions, to receive group of experts to research and estimate conditions of four aspects in Mongolia including organized crimes, corruption, human trafficking and drug commerce, to determine directions and projects cooperate with UN in drug and crime struggling and to intensify collaboration.
Executive Director Yu.Fedotov agreed to send group of experts to Mongolia in near future and expressed his gratitude for the Government of Mongolia that signifies relations and cooperation with UN Center in Vienna. At the end of meeting, the two sides have signed cooperation memorandum.
Ts.Nyamdorj met with his counterpart Claudia Bandion-Ortner and exchanged opinions on legislation cooperation intensifying, European standard and measurement adoption to Mongolia cooperating. Minister for Justice Claudia Bandion-Ortner introduced Austria’s achievement of the top justice cyber net in Europe. Also she stated readiness to divide technology experience and knowledge, informed Media of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade.