Our reporter talks to S.Erdene, defining draft law.
Including you, four MPs are processing draft law to change Parliament procedures. What is the meaning and ideology of draft law?
Parliament procedures law, which has been passed on December 30, 2010 by 81% of approval, violates several provisions of the Constitution such as media officials have criterion to get information while the Constitution indicates citizens could not be discriminated by origin, nation, idea and knowledge. On the other hand, closed meeting procedures are different because state secret issue should be discussed in closed meeting and other meetings could be open. But procedures to close the Standing Committees’ meetings significantly limits not media freedom only but violates electors information gaining. Draft laws and protocols have been discussed in the Standing Committees’ meetings at the first step in hot debate and its conclusion and summary have been submitted to Parliament. In other words, MPs only approve draft laws and protocols in session because main deliberation is in the Standing Committees’ meetings. Closed meetings violate open government activity. If Mongolia’s state is democratic, its activity should be transparent. Therefore, we have processed draft law that to open the Standing Committees’ meetings.
What provisions have been amended in draft law?
The law on Parliament procedures has provision no.53, which indicates journalists would be in special room and information could be provided. This is not possible because if information is more open, the information would be more true and clear. Also MPs participation could be seen from open reportage.
Before passing law MPs are provided with guide or introduction. Why did not you read the law Parliament procedures, which has followed dispute?
I had not received draft law and discussing issue and I did not go to working group. That is why I had not have data.
Then did you attend the Parliament session, which has passed the law?
I had free time and did not attend the session that is why I have no idea about law passing. Chief of the Standing Committee would give meeting information after deciding to close meeting. It is not fair because 76 MPs activity should be publicly shown and all have equal rights.