After a closed meeting of the Standing Committee on Budget, the chairman D.Khayankhyarvaa provided information about the meeting. However the journalists whose reporting rights have been limited did not attend the report in a way of strike. Only the Parliament Media Office camera has recorded Khayankhyarvaa’s brief information of the meeting. Parliament Members explained the reason of decision to hold closed meeting differently. Chief of the DP group in Parliament Ch.Saikhanbileg who initiated the draft law said MPs don’t get into serious talks on issues when TV camera works. They try to act in front of cameras to gain affections of the voters instead of concentrating on the subjects.
But Deputy Speaker G.Batkhuu said it is an issue of national security because the Parliament channel was being shown through live broadcast in India when the Parliament Speaker paid visit there. Thus, publicizing the meetings of Standing Committees may leak information. He noted that information of mining field, strategic deposits and tenders must be held behind closed doors.
Furthermore, there is suspicion that some MPs are being pressed within the Parliament. According to MP J.Batsuuri, MPs must ask questions and freely express their suggestions at Standing Committee meetings, but since they are now closed to media, given time for MP speeches were shortened.