Two million and seven hundred thousand citizens have taken HDF allowances in 2010. Citizens who have not taken the allowances in 2010 could be paid in 2011 and total of MNT680.4 billion is budgeted to this. Also MNT9.3 billion is budgeted for health insurance of 344 thousand people including children, elders and the disabled. Minister Otgonbayar told the Ministry of Education has decided it will be possible to pay MNT500 thousand to each of 155.5 thousand students of 113 Institutes and Universities in bachelor, master and doctorial courses.
According to the procedures, students would be asked to submit their application to the regional authorities. Universities will also provide students’ complete data to the MECS within February 1. The Ministry would resolve the students’ tuition payment issue by February 25. Since the HDF is paying MNT 500 thousand to students nonrefundable loans and aid from the government fund were withdrawn.
“Payment of first four months has been paid from the State Fund. There will be a law that will give exclusive aid. If passed, State Fund loans will not be given” Otgonbayar explained.