The National Statistics Office has published the preliminary
results of the livestock census. The number of animals stands at 31.8 million,
which is 12.1 million or 27.7% fewer than last year’s. The total includes 1.8
million horses, 2.1 million heads of cattle, 2.6 million camels, 14.05 million
sheep and 13.52 million goats. There has been a reduction in the number of all
The biggest decrease was seen in Dundgobi, Zavkhan and
Uvurkhangai aimags, while Sukhbaatar showed an increase in the number of all
five kinds. The aimags with the most number of animals are Khuvsgul (3
million), Tuv (2.7 million), Arkhangai (2.6 million), Bulgan (2.2 million), and
Khentii (2 million).