Selenge official not hopeful of transfer of financial powers - News.MN

Selenge official not hopeful of transfer of financial powers

Old News! Published on: 2010.12.25

Selenge official not hopeful of transfer of financial powers

Г. Нэргүй

Aimag Governors and Heads of Civil Representatives’
Assemblies (CRAs) attended a day’s training in Ulaanbaatar on December 22. We
asked the Head of the CRA of Selenge aimag, J.Sanjjav, some questions.

How much more money has been allocated to Selenge aimag from
the budget this year?

We passed our plans and the budget on December 9. Our income
is MNT17 billion, the same as in 2010. Besides, we have been asked to raise
MNT10 billion to help meet the state budget deficit in 2011. We gave MNT6
billion to the state budget in 2010. The state has allocated MNT700 million for
investment in our aimag but it is totally inadequate for the needs of our 17
soums and 5 villages, as the amount will hardly pay for 2 km of paved road.

What do you think of proposals to give local areas more
economic independence?

Next year’s budget has no such provision. All large programs
and projects remain in the hands of the Government and local officials will
have to clear projects relating to even secondary schools and kindergartens
with the related Ministries, as usual. Frankly speaking, Ministers do not want
to let go of their control and power.

You mean power would not be soon transferred to local

We have not seen any sign of this so far except in floating
tenders. Even there, the final decision is with the Ministry of Finance. The
tender would be announced in aimags but the financing rights rest with the
Ministry of Finance.

How is the progress in the Altanbulag free trade zone?

Nobody knows what work has actually been done and when it
will be finished. First Deputy Prime Minister N.Altankhuyag favors the project.
It is typically Mongolian to establish a controlling structure before there is
anything to control.

How much has now been allocated to work on the free trade
zone and what are the works to be taken up first?

The state budget has allocated MNT8 billion to the zones,
half of it to Altanbulag. Foreign companies have said the infrastructure must
be developed before they start building offices and warehouses. We shall soon
take up the drinking water and sewage system projects. Decisions on roads,
electricity connection, and clean water source were taken in 2009.

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