Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy, D.Zorigt,
answers some MPs’ concern that the 34% share of Mongolia in Oyutolgoi LLC is
being reduced.
the secret meeting of the Representing Managing Council (RMC) of Oyutolgoi accept
that the 34% ownership of shares is coming down?
The RMC met to discuss financing issues. We have said the state-owned Erdenes
MGL will not take big loans. Preferential
shares are being misunderstood. Our. 34% share in Oyutolgoi remains 34% in all
cases and we shall claim 34% of the profits. The RMC will hold its next
meeting next week when we shall propose
reducung the interest rates of financing loans. I categorically state that the
34% Mongolian share is not in way affected by any sale of pereferential shares.