The real reason why the MPRP changed its name is that
it does not want to answer any angry questions before the 2012 election on why
the MPRP promise to give every citizen MNT1.5 million has not been kept. Many
citizens still retain the paper with the promise for many had hoped to start a
business with the money paid to all family members. The DP had said citizens
would own MNT1 million worth of shares of the mining resources but newspaper
articles of that period would reveal that the MPRP promised more and offered
MNT1.5 million in cash.
Halfway through the four-year term of Parliament,
citizens have got only MNT120,000. With the change of name, managing officials
of the present MPP will claim the promise was made by the MPRP, and they cannot
be held responsible. Keeping at least part of he promise has meant 1/3 of the
combined budget will be spent on providing social welfare and cash allowances
and tuition fees of the students. Similarly the blame for the July 1 disorder
will be laid on the defunct MPRP.
are Mongolian voters so easily duped?