D. Munkhtamir, a senior inspector in the environment, geology, and mining section at the Specialized Inspection Agency, feels that while monitoring standards applied to gold mines are adequate, they need upgrading in the case of several other mineral resources, including gravel, fluorspar and coal. In the case of coal, enforcing regulations becomes more problematic as reclamation can begin only when mining is finally and totally over, and new laws are needed to keep control over miners even after the mines are officially closed down. One solution could be to collect annual fees from mining license holders during production years, to be spent later, when extraction is over.
According to Munkhtamir, in general, technical reclamation is satisfactory in about 60% of mined areas but biological reclamation is lagging, meeting expected standards in about only 21% of the areas inspected. He also said proper evaluation can be made only after several years have passed.