Prime Minister S. Batbold has said that Mongolia has made great progress on its path to democracy and the market economy in the last 20 years, but there was still a long way before it could sit back and reflect on the gains of the transition. “As the dominant political force in the country, the MPRP bears the major responsibility for both achievements and shortcomings” and the party has set up 33 working groups to analyze and assess progress in diverse areas in society, economy, and politics.
Referring to his recent visit to the UN and interaction with international leaders, Batbold said there was widespread admiration for what Mongolia has come to stand for. Recognition was coming in several ways, he said, making a special mention of a statement by President Roza Otunbayeva of Kyrgyzstan in which she said that her country was “adopting Mongolia as a model for the democratic parliamentary structure Kyrgyzstan was hoping to erect”.