Prime Minister S. Batbold told
the summit meeting of the UN General Assembly that economic development can be sustainable only
if it involves the people, particularly the poor, and opens up possibilities
for them such as jobs and income. He referred to Mongolia’s progress towards achieving
the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), especially in areas like having an equal
number of girls and boys in secondary schools, in universal primary vaccination
if children, and in reducing infant and under-5 mortality. Progress has been
slower in other areas like reducing poverty, achieving gender equality, and protecting
the environment, but Batbold was confident these will improve.
He said climatic conditions have led to a massive loss of livestock, affecting
herders who form 40% of the population, underlining Mongolia’s vulnerability to
factors beyond its control and thus delaying MDGs implementation. The
Government held a Cabinet meeting in the desert to draw attention to
desertification of the country.