&#34It&#39s good to be back!&#34 - News.MN

&#34It&#39s good to be back!&#34

Old News! Published on: 2015.07.24

&#34It&#39s good to be back!&#34


By John David

Hungary's Ambassador to Mongolia, Akos Madari, tells NEWS.MN about the new embassy and the new phase in 65 years of cooperation.

News.mn: Your Excellency, Hungary and Mongolia have a long history of cooperation. This was put on hold nine years ago when Hungary decided to close your old embassy. Your Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Mr Peter Szijjarto has said that this was a “big mistake”. Can you please explain, what were the main factors in Hungary deciding to re-establish full diplomatic relations with Mongolia?

Yes, this is correct. The closure of the previous embassy partly hindered co-operation. Nevertheless diplomatic relations continued; it should be noted that the Mongolian Embassy in Budapest continued to work during this period. But I completely agree with the view of Hungary’s Foreign Affairs and Trade Minister, Peter Szijjarto that we made a big mistake – as a result many projects stopped.

We have had diplomatic relations with Mongolia for over 65 years. These relations are something we value very highly. Hungary has a programme called “Eastern Openings”, which aims at developing relations with Post-Soviet countries. We attach great importance to developing strong support to countries such as Mongolia. We offer cooperation in trade and also in the supply of top Hungarian goods, technology, innovation and services.

News.mn: The new Hungarian Embassy was formally opened in May. Construction work is underway. When will the official opening take place?

Yes, the new Hungarian Embassy was re-opened on the 26th May. Our Foreign Minister attended the ceremony. This was in the context of a round trip which also took in Singapore and Malaysia, was we also established a new embassy. In Ulaanbaatar we will have a completely new and modern embassy, the operational opening of which scheduled for the second half of September. This will be attended by a number of Ministers and other officials from Hungary.

News.mn: Since the 1950’s Hungary has been supporting the Songino “Bio-Combinat”, which your country originally established. Under the new co-operation agreement Hungary will continue to work with this plant. Can you describe the plans for Songino 2?

Yes, Hungary has indeed been co-operating with Mongolia in the field of animal husbandry and producing vaccination products. This is something we wish to continue to do at Songino. We have visited the plant which Hungary helped establish in the 1950’s. It has continued to function for all of this period. We were really surprised to see old Hungarian machinery from the 1950’s – still working! The Bio-Combinat does not have highly advanced technology. Mongolia has huge live-stock – over 60 million animals. Animal husbandry therefore is very important. Hungary considers the best solution being the modernization of the plant. Hungary’s EXIM Bank has provided Mongolia with USD 25 million at favourable rates, part of which will be used for financing the Bio-Combinat.

News.mn: Your President has mentioned support for other agricultural projects in Mongolia. Can you please talk about what is planned?

Hungary has outstanding experience in a number of fields. There are already a number of ideas. These will be the main topic for discussion at the 5th Session of the Mongolia-Hungary Joint Economic Forum which will be held in Budapest in September. Besides animal husbandry we are looking at irrigation and other areas for cooperation.

News.mn: The Mongolian Economy is traditionally driven by mining; what specific plans does Hungary have in this sector?

Most of our Hungary’s mines closed in the early 1990’s, so we do not consider ourselves to be able to offer advanced mining services. What we can offer, however, is support with mitigation and restoring the landscape after mining operations close. As you know, mining really damages the environment and can be really dangerous. Hungary has definite things to offer in terms of water management at mine sites. We are giving this a lot of attention and can offer the necessary technology to help Mongolia.

News.mn: Hungary and Mongolia have a long history of student and cultural exchanges. Can you please describe the main features of the new student exchange programme?

Yes, we have had a long exchange programme since the late 1950’s. This has continued uninterrupted over the years. Many former students now have leading positions in Mongolian society – these include some politicians.

We are currently offering 100 scholarships. There are many different forms of scholarship for Mongolian students to study in different areas – BSc’s and other degrees.  These include 15 full scholarships. Hungary is planning more scholarships in the future. The scholarships come under our “Stipendium Hungaricum” programme

News.mn: What other cultural events are planned for the near future?

At present we are preparing a Photo-Exhibition of 65 photos – one for each years of diplomatic relations between Hungary and Mongolia. This will probably open at the end of September.

News.mn: The Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and the Ulaanbaatar City Mayor’s Office have signed a cooperation agreement. What is under consideration?

Actually this form of co-operation is a completely new phenomenon. Our so-called Hungarian Trade House is very active in enlarging trade relations. This is different from the Chamber of Commerce. The co-operation agreement is with the City Mayor’s Office and the Trade House. I can assure you that we are looking at many different areas for possible cooperation. These include water management and housing issues. We have Hungarian Trade Houses in other countries. In Mongolia it operates via a locally selected Hungarian company, in this case “Majav Ltd”. This company has the task of providing general co-ordination, giving assistance and identifying suitable companies and project partners. Currently, “Majav Ltd” is looking at a number of projects.

News.mn: You served as a diplomat in the old Embassy. A lot has changed in nine years. What is it like being back in Mongolia?

Yes, I was a junior diplomat in the old Hungarian Embassy and served in Mongolia from 1992 to 1997. In fact this was my first posting and the beginning of my diplomatic career. It was a wonderful time and I have many happy memories. Mongolia still remains an undisputed gem – the pure untouched nature, nomadic herders and the attraction of the countryside; horses and rivers full of fish ..

News.mn: You are a fisherman?

Yes, I love fishing and also horse riding.

In 20 years many things have changed; Mongolia has been deeply touched by urbanization, mining and also by climate change. I don’t want to talk a lot about things. A lot of positive things have also happened – there have been major steps in modernisation and building services.

In short it is great to be back and I am very happy that I am my country’s Ambassador

News.mn: Finally, how did you celebrate Naadam?

Naadam was great fun. The opening was incomparably better than in the past. My wife and I both like horses. So we saw the horse racing. This is her first time in Mongolia. We had a great time and are very happy to be here!

News.mn: Thank you.

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